Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach


Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


Warm-Up (5:00-14:00)

Every 3:00 X 3 Sets

20 Banded Good Mornings

10 Kettlebell Dead-Bug

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Banded Bird Dogs

-Max Wall Sit in Remaining Time


Part A)


Every 3:00 x 4 Sets

1 rep @ 85%+

Rest 35-45 seconds

5 reps @ 60-65%

Part B)

Bench Press

Every 3:00 minutes, 4 Sets

1 rep @ 85%+

Rest 35-45 seconds

5 reps @ 60-65%

Extra Instructions / Stimulus

These sets today are Drop sets inspired. Exposing the body to a very demanding single rep, only then to reduce the load significantly and focus now on stamina and accumulating extra volume. You’re able to complete touch and go reps however, do not bounce the barbell into the ground.


Bench Press



1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d

1:00 Childs Pose

Optional Accessories

12 minute EMOM, alternating each minute:

Minute 1: 8/8 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, moderate load

Minute 2: 10 Barbell Hip Thrust with 20-30 second hold

Minute 3: 8-10 Ring Dips + 15 second Ring Support Hold

Minute 4: 15-20 Ghd Hip Extensions

Functional Bodybuilding: Focus on great form, go through the entire range of motion.

Echo Bike Development

Warm Up

4:00 minutes @ 60/52spm

3:00 minutes @ 65/57spm

2:00 minutes @ 70/62spm

1:00 minute @ 75/68spm

Rest: 2:00 minutes


12 Sets:

1:00 minute Max Calorie Echo

1:00 minute Rest


5:00 minutes

Please complete the warm-up and cooldown here rather than just getting into the 12×1:00 minute on and 1:00 minute off. These are quality pieces to develop overall aerobic capacity and development with the goal of allowing the body to flush the blood out of the legs. If you start off by just getting into the hard efforts, the legs will likely pump out quickly and you won’t get the full effect and development here.

Primary Objective: Maximum total calories

Secondary Objective: Same Calories +/- 2 cals/set across

Stimulus: Anaerobic Endurance

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