Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach

Saturday Partner Day!


Don’t forget!! BRING A FRIEND WEEK is 11 September 2023!!! Please use the sign-up sheet located on the front desk to list all of your friends who are joining us. There is also a QR code you can use to have your friends complete the waiver prior to coming to class. Anyone who joins gets both you AND your friend a referral credit of 40% off one month membership!

Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


12:00 Alt EMOM

minute 1 : :45 Machine of Choice

minute 2 : 10 Bar Kip Swings + 5 Inchworm Push-Ups

minute 3 : 10 Banded Face Pulls + 10 Banded T’s

minute 4: :30 Hollow Hold

Gymnastics Skill Work

Gymnastics Skills and Drills:

Ring Muscle-Up

Scaling the Ring Muscle-Up

-Choose and Option that best suits your athletes needs today. We can move to a scaled Ring Muscle-Up over just going to Strict Pull-Ups and Dips, depending on the athletes needs

Coaches Instructions:

Spend 10:00 minutes going over progressions and scaling modifications for athletes in order for them to choose something that will push their fitness and skill level further.

Metcon (Time)

50 Toe to Bar

*One partner hanging, while 1 partner completes 5 Toe to Bar. Must be 5 alternating every set. Every break perform 5 burpees to target.


100m (300ft) Farmers Carry

*Every Break Perform 10 Synchro Push-Up then switch partners on carry


50 Chest to Bar

*Every Break Perform 10 Synchro V-Ups, then switch partners


100m Farmers Carry

*Every Break Perform 10 Synchro Push-Up then switch partners on carry


50 Toe to Bar

*One partner hanging, while 1 partner completes 5 Toe to Bar. Must be 5 alternating every set. Every break perform 5 burpees to target.

Goal : 15:00-20:00 minutes

Time Cap : 25:00 minutes

We are working through a partner workout that will require you to plan things out and strategize breaks to get the best result here. This one is fun, but if you start breaking early this will turn into a grind.

Primary Objective : Complete each movement with no more than 5 breaks

Secondary Objective : Complete the Ring Muscle-Ups in Sub 5:00 minutes

Stimulus : Gymnastics Density / Grip

Developmental :

Hanging Strict Knee Raises

50 Banded Strict Pull-Ups

Fitness :

Knees to Elbows

50 Pull Ups

Performance :

As Written


Complete Solo

30 RMU instead of C2B


Recovery / Mobility Protocol

1:00 minute Down Dog to Updog

1:00 minute Thoracic Extension with Foam Roller

1:00/ 1:00 minute Scorpion Stretc h

:30/:30 second Thread the Needle Stretc h

Optional Accessories

4 Sets, For Quality

10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

12/12 Lateral Medball Wall Toss 20/14lb, (9/6kg)

12 Dual Kettlebell Seesaw Row


Power Snatch

1 x 7 @ 70%

1 x 5 @ 75%

2 x 3 @ 80%

3 x 1 @ 85%

This is not touch and go, reset before each rep

Rest as needed between sets

Percentages are based on your 1rm Power Snatch

Goal: Focus on developing correct technique in your power snatch. As you gradually work your way up to the 80-85% range, shift your focus to the catch position. Our aim is for you to land in the same position as you did within your 75% range.


Back Squat

2×3 @ 80%

2 x 3 @ 85%

Rest 2:00-3:00 minutes between sets

Percentage is based on your 1rm Back Squat


20 minutes EMOM, alternate each minute:

Minute 1: 14/11 Cal Row

Minute 2: 14/10 Cal Ski or Echo

Minute 3: Rest

Minute 4: 16/12 Cal Row

Minute 5: 16/11 Cal Ski or Echo

Minute 6: Rest

Minute 7: 18/13 Cal Row

Minute 8: 18/12 Cal Ski or Echo

Minute 9-10: Rest

(Back to Minute 1)

Accessory Work

4 Sets, For Quality

10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

12/12 Lateral Medball Wall Toss 20/14lb

12 Dual Kettlebell Seesaw Row

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