Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach


Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


8:00 minute Cap

2 Sets, For Quality

10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers

20 Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Alternating V-Ups

:30 second Scapular Pull-Ups

Strength (Checkmark)

12 minute EMOM, Alternate each minute:

minute 1: 10 Dual Kettlebell Hollow Body Floor Press

minute 2: 10 Seated Banded Rows 30×1 Tempo

minute 3: 10 Russian Twists
Extra Instructions / Points of Performance

Today, we are getting after a little circuit here of functional bodybuilding movements with the goal of feeling good and looking even better. The hollow body floor press packs a powerful combo, that combined with the other two movements will help to tighten up the shoulders and core as a great strength piece to start the day. If you don’t have enough GHD’s we can move to traditional weighted russian twists with the goal of moving slow and controlled throughout.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

100 Burpee Pull-Ups

Time Domain : 8:00-13:00 minutes

Time Cap : 18:00 minutes

Extra Instructions:

This is a classic benchmark workout and with that the standard for the burpee pull-up was 6 inches above reach. We understand that isn’t available for all gyms, so use the Open standard of just above reach height in order to tackle this workout appropriately.

Primary Objective: Complete 8+ Burpee Pull-Ups per minute

Secondary Objective : Choose a bar that is higher than 6 inches above reach.

Stimulus : CrossFit Benchmark Test / Muscular Endurance + Stamina

75 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups *Bar at eye level or stand to riser for jumping pull-up


Bar Height Just out of reach


As Written


20/14# Vest


Recovery / Mobility Protocol

2:00 minute Elevated Prayer Stretch

1:00/1:00 minute Scorpion Stretch

2:00 minute Seated Straddle

2:00 minute Seated Saddle Pose

Optional Accessories

3 Sets, For Quality

10 Strict Knee to Elbows

20 Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls

:30 second Hollow Body Hold


Ring Muscle Ups

Elite :

Every 4:00 minutes, 3 sets, Complete the following:

15 Ring Muscle Ups

15 Kipping Ring Dips

*Athletes choice on how to complete the total 30 reps each 4 minutes

Performance :

Every 4:00 minutes, 3 sets, Complete the following:

15/12 Ring Muscle Ups

Fitness :

Every 4:00 minutes, 3 sets, Complete the following:

9/7 Ring Muscle Ups


Spend 4 minutes working on each of the following drills:

Banded Strict Ring Muscle-Ups /

Banded Low Ring Transitions /

Bench Transition /

Muscle-Up Negative /


Every 10:00 minutes, 3 Sets, Each for Time:

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Lateral Burpees over Parallette

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Lateral Burpees over Parallette

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike

Score = Combined Total Time

Primary Objective: Attack each set as if it was your first. We are looking for max power output here and really looking to lean into the bike. Hold 77+/67+ RPM for each segment across all 3 sets.

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Burpees over parallette

Stimulus: Lactate Endurance Conditioning

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