Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach


Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


3:00 Row, Damper of 1

*Build Cadence from 18 spm to 28spm by increasing by 2 spm every 30 seconds


3 Sets

6/6 Archer Ring Rows

8/8 Suitcase Kettlebell Deadlift

10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge March

12/12 second Star Plank


Weighted Pull-ups

10:00 EMOM

Build to 1RM Weighted Strict Pull-Up

Points of Performance

The goal here today is to allow athletes a simple quick way to test their 1RM weighted pull-up. For those that don’t have pull-ups we want to do 1 eccentric pull-up or 1 pull-up with the lightest band possible while maintaining form and meeting all points of performance.

Metcon (Time)

1500/1250m Row


10 Rounds,

100ft Farmers Carry

10 Pull-Ups

Time Domain: 15:00-20:00

Time Cap : 22 minutes

Primary Objective: Pull-Ups

Secondary Objective : Holding sub 1:15 per round

Goal on the Rower is to hold 5k Race Pace
Beginner :

1000/850m Row


10 Rounds,

53/35lbx 2

10 Jumping Pull-Ups

*Jumping Pull-Up is set to forehead, so that knees will need to bend to go to full extension of the arms then jumping chin above the bar


53/35lb x 2

10 Jumping Pull-Ups

*Jumping Pull-Up is just out of reach of hands then jump into the pull-up


As Written



x2 Kettlebells 70/53lb

15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Extra Work

Yoga Flow

2 Rounds

Right Leg + Left Leg

:15sec Down Dog

:30sec Low Lunge

:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate

:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold

:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

:30sec Pigeon

Optional Accessories

3-4 Sets, For Quality

6-8 Cuban Rotations 40×1 Tempo

10 Chest Supported Trap 3 Raises

15 Chest Supported Reverse Dumbbell Flys

Points of Performance:

We are working into some shoulder health exercises here to finish off the day. The key here is building some extra volume for the little stabilizer muscles around the shoulder joint to help bulletproof the rotator cuff

*Repeat from last week

Needed after last two days


Shoulder to Overhead Strength

10 minute EMOM:

1 Power Clean + 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks

Starting @ 65% of your 1rm Push Press and increasing load each set, building to 83-85% of your 1rm push press

*Normally we would consider Push Jerks a weightlifting piece but the focus is on the push press which we look at as a power strength focus


2-2-2-3 AMRAP/1:00 Rest between sets

20/15 Cal Echo Bike

Max Thrusters in Remaining Time:

Continue until 33Reps

12 reps @ 135/95lb

9 reps @ 155/105lb

7 reps @ 185/125lb

5 reps @ 205/145lb

Set-Up : Either set this up as 4 bars that will be 8ft apart or have someone help load your weights and the bar will move forward 8ft every time we adjust loads.

The goal today is to complete the Echo Bike within the minute to allow for 1:00 minute of work on the barbell until the 4th AMRAP where the time will extend to 3:00 minutes

Primary Objective : No misses across all sets

Secondary Objective : Achieve fastest overall time

Stimulus : Anaerobic / Barbell Conditioning


Finisher for the Day

Either BikeErg or Running:

5 minutes at Zone 3


30 minutes at Zone 2

Primary Objective : Zone 2

Secondary Objective : Higher Cadence, Running: +160 Strides per minute / Bike: +85/75 RPM

Goal : By riding in Zone 2, you are working at a sustainable intensity that allows your muscles to continue producing energy aerobically, while also increasing blood flow to help flush out any waste products that may have accumulated. This can help to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, which is why Zone 2 is often used as a recovery or “flushing” zone.

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