Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach


Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


2 Sets, For Quality

3:00 minutes On : 1:00 minute Off

10/7 Calorie Bike or :40 sec Shuttle Run

5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

10 Barbell Good Mornings, 45/35lb (20/15kg)

*In remaining time, accumulate

Max Lateral Banded Monster Walks

Metcon (Checkmark)

E6MOM X 6 Sets (Alternating Stations)

Station 1:

400m Run

30 American KBS 53/35lb, (24/16lb)

30/22 Calorie Echo Bike

Station 2:

400m Run

15 Deadlifts 225/155lb, (102/70kg)

30/22 Calorie Echo Bike

Today is our longer time domain workout, so start out at a steady pace and settle in for the long haul here.

Stimulus : Lactate Threshold / Posterior Chain

Primary Objective : Complete Each set in ~ 5 minutes

Secondary Objective : Stay unbroken on the AKBS and Deadlifts


Station 1:

200m Run

20 Russian KBS 35/18lb, (16/12lb)

25/18 Calorie Echo Bike

Station 2:

200m Run

15 Deadlifts @ 40% of 1RM

25/18 Calorie Echo Bike


Station 1:

300m Run

30 Russian KBS 53/35lb, (24/16lb)

25/18 Calorie Echo Bike

Station 2:

300m Run

15 Deadlifts 185/125lb, (84/57kg)

25/18 Calorie Echo Bike


As Written


70/53lb, (32/24kg)

275/185lb, (125/84kg)


2 Rounds

Right Leg + Left Leg

:15sec Down Dog

:30sec Low Lunge

:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate

:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold

:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

:30sec Pigeon

Optional Accessories

4 Sets, For Quality:

100ft (30m) Farmers Carry, For Load

:30 Second GHD Supine Hold

:30 Second GHD Sorenson Hold

Rest 2:00 minutes between sets



2 Rounds

100m Swim

100m Kick

100m Pull

Rest as needed between sets

Drill Set:


25 Drill + 25 Swim

Rest as needed between sets

*Drill of Choice

Speed Primer:

6x50m Builds

moderate on first 25 into fast second 25

R: 1:00 between sets

Broken 750m Time Trial

For Time:

5 Sets

150m @ Max Sustainable Pace

9/10 RPE

Rest 30 between sets

Primary Objective: Fastest combined swim time

Secondary Objective: Even splits across


Machine Conditioning

12 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:

Minute 1: 14/11 Calorie Row

Minute 2: 14/11 Calorie BikeErg

Rest 3:00 minutes

12 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:

Minute 1: 16/13 Calorie Row

Minute 2: 16/13 Calorie BikeErg

The expectation here is to have high power output for both 12 minute EMOM blocks. If you get less than 15 seconds of rest in the first round, please look at either Level 2 or Level 1 Calories for the remainder of the workout.

Primary Objective: Completion

Secondary Objective: 15-20 seconds of rest each minute

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