Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach



Don’t forget!! BRING A FRIEND WEEK is 11 September 2023!!! Please use the sign-up sheet located on the front desk to list all of your friends who are joining us. There is also a QR code you can use to have your friends complete the waiver prior to coming to class. Anyone who joins gets both you AND your friend a referral credit of 40% off one month membership!

Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


12:00 EMOM, Alternating Each Minute

Minute 1 : :30s Bike + Max Hollow Rocks

Minute 2 : :15s Pogo Jumps + Max Plank Hold

Minute 3 : :30s Wall Sit

Minute 4 : 8 Alt Leg Bounding

Metcon (No Measure)

Every 6:00 X 3 Sets:

20 V-Ups

400m Run

20/14 Calorie Echo Bike

Rest 2:00

Every 4:00 minutes, 3 Sets:

10 V-Ups

200m Run

10/7 Cal Echo Bike

Primary Objective : Complete each set within the time frame.

Secondary Objective : Achieve more than 45 seconds rest for each set, ghd cadence is another aspect we would like you to focus your attention on, work on speed.

Stimulus : Anaerobic Threshold – Lactic Threshold


15 Abmat Sit-Ups

300m Run

15/11 Cal Echo

Rest 2:00

10 Abmat Sit-Ups

150m Run

10/7 Cal Echo


As Written




25 GHD Sit-Ups

400m Run

25/17 Cal Echo

15 GHD Sit Ups

200m Run

15/11 Cal Echo


Recovery / Mobility Protocol

2 Rounds

Right Leg + Left Leg

:15sec Down Dog

:30sec Low Lunge

:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate

:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold

:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

:30sec Pigeon

Optional Accessories

3-4 Sets, For Quality

:45 second Sandbag Bear Hug Hold

:30 second Dual Kettlebell Overhead Hold

100ft Reverse Sled Drag

100ft Sled Push


Warm Up:

100 Freestyle Swim with paddles


2 Sets:

3 x 50’s

10-15 second rest between each interval

Rest 1:00 minute between sets

Set 1: kickboard, Set 2: scull/free, Set 3: drill/swim but non free


12:00 minute EMOM

50m Swim

Every 4th, Fast Effort / RPE 9/10

Rest 1:00 minute

9:00 minute EMOM

Every 3rd, Fast Effort / RPE 9/10

Rest 1:00 minute

6:00 minute EMOM

Every 2nd, Fast Effort / RPE 9/10


100-200 Choice

Video Support:


Fist Swim:

Fingertip Drag Drill:

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