Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach

Saturday Partner Day!

Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


2 Sets, For Quality

:30 sec Row

:15 Wall Supported Hanstand Hold

10 Down Dog Alternating Toe Taps

:20 sec Extended Reverse Plank Bridge


Rowing Golf

Row to 1000m w/Partner

*switch partners every 100m, if partner rows to 97m then both partner must complete 3 burpees before switching and then partner 2 does row to 200m. If partner 2 goes to 205m then both partners must to 5 burpees before switching. This continues until 1000m is met. If you are over or under at 1000m you must complete burpees to finish workout.

*record times: Fastest we have seen is 4:01

METCON (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets, For Max Reps

5:00 AMRAP

12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

12 Synchro Alt DB Snatch 50/35lb, (22/16kg)

24/18 Push-Ups

24/18 Calorie Row

-Max Synchro Alt SA Devils Press 50/35lb, (22/16kg)

2:00 Rest between sets

Goal : Achieve 1:30+ minutes on the Synchro Alternating Devils Press, which should amount to around 12-15 Reps

All work is combined reps except for the synchro reps which will be done at the same time in order for the reps to count. These are solely dictated as the DB movements today.

Primary Objective : Complete all work as prescribed with your partner in under 3:30 minutes before hitting the max effort devils press to finish.

Secondary Objective : Complete all work in even proportions.

Stimulus : Upper Body Muscular Stamina


12 Dual DB Push Press

12 Synchro Alternating DB Snatch

18/15 Band Assisted Push-Ups

18/15 Calorie Row

-Max Synchro Alternating Devils Press

DB Load: 30/20lb, (14/9kg)


Kipping HSPU

DB: 35/25, (16/12kg)


As Written


Solo Version: Performed Solo

DB: 70/50lb


1-2 Sets

Right Leg/Left Leg

:30 Down Dog

:15 Updog

:30 Down Dog

:30 Low Dragon Pose

:30 Twisted Dragon Pose

:30 Pigeon Pose

:30 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

Optional Accessories: Bodybuilding Finisher

5 Sets, For Quality

10 Front Plate Raises


10 Standing Plate Press

R: 15 seconds

10 Dual DB Hammer Curls


10 Dual DB Bent Rows

Rest as needed between sets


Part A:

Squat Snatch

Every 3:00 minutes, 6 Sets, Complete the following:

Set 1: 4 Reps @ 75%

Set 2: 4 Reps @ 75%

Set 3: 3 Reps @ 80%

Set 4: 3 Reps @ 80%

Set 5: 2 Reps @ 85%

Set 6: 2 Reps @ 85%

These reps are not meant to be TnG (unbroken), reset between each rep, no more than 15 seconds between reps.

Percentage is based on your 1rm Squat Snatch

Once you complete Part A, please move onto Part B.

Part B:

Hang Snatch High Pulls

3 x 5 @ 80% of your 1rm Snatch


Part A)

Tempo Deadlift

3 x 12

Rest 3:00 minutes between sets

Starting @ 55% of your 1rm and increasing the load each set.

The prescribed tempo for these reps today is 3 Seconds Up, No Pause at the top, 3 Seconds Down, No Rest at the bottom before transitioning into the consecutive rep

Part B)

Weighted Strict Pull Ups

5 X 5

Rest as needed Between Sets


3 Sets, For Time:

100′ Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge @ 70/50lb (32.2/22.5kg)

60 Double Unders

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65lb (43/30kg)

60 Double Unders

10 Ring Muscle-Ups

60 Double Unders

Rest 5:00 between sets

Score : Slowest Set

Today, we’re looking for consistency within each round. These are essentially 3 back to back chippers. So, be sure to have a break-up plan that is going to allow for the best result possible for each set. For most people, the focus should mainly be on the Ring Muscle-Ups and conserving energy to be able to attack those reps to complete the desired number within 2 sets maximum. Be mindful also to select a load on the Sumo Deadlift High Pulls you can complete the 20 reps within 2 sets maximum.

Primary Objective : Complete each set under 9 minutes

Secondary Objective : Ring Muscle-Ups

Stimulus : Chipper Mindset / Upper Body

Optional Conditioning


3 x 15 minutes

Complete each 15 minute interval as follows:

6 minutes @ 70% of FTP

5 minutes @ 80% of FTP

4 minutes @ 90% of FTP

Rest 5:00 minutes between sets

Score: Total Distance from each set (3 scores)

The primary objective today is to maintain the prescribed FTP percentages written. Overall, these sets should feel no higher than a 7/10 RPE. The idea is that you’re consciously working on your breathing mechanics while ramping up the intensity gradually. With the effort in your legs increasing slightly, do your best to keep your breathing under control. If those percentages look too intense for you at this point in the week please reduce them down by 5%. If you do not have an FTP score, imagine an RPE effort of 5-6-7/10. This is a great session to flush out the legs from the training week heading into your rest day tomorrow.

RPE: Aerobic / Leg Development

Stimulus: 7/10