Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach

Monday “Hybrid Cycle” (Week 6)

Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


8:00 minutes

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 Choice Cardio

:30 seconds Medball Thoracic Opener

2 Wall Walks + :10sec Nose to Wall Hold

6/6 Archer Ring Row

10 Ring V-Outs

5 Box Jumps (increase height on second round or box jump all the way overs)

Push Press

Push Press (Waves)

Every 4:00 minutes x 3 Sets

3 Reps @ 80%

Rest 1:00 and adjust loads

2 Reps @ 85%

Rest 1:00 and adjust loads

1 Rep @ 90%+

Extra Instructions:

Within each 4:00 minute segment you will be completing 3 reps @ 80%, 2 Reps @ 85%, and 1 Rep at 90%. This will mean that the rest between these sets is about 90 seconds as the rest between 3-2-1 is 1:00 minute. For the Push Press we are focused on a vertical dip and drive, strong finish over midline with arms fully locked out and biceps covering the ears. Flex your midline and press firmly through the bar.

Skills and Drills

Scaling the Ring Muscle-Up

-Choose and Option that best suits your athletes needs today. We can move to a scaled Ring Muscle-Up over just going to Strict Pull-Ups and Dips, depending on the athletes needs

Coaches Instructions:

Spend 10:00 minutes going over progressions and scaling modifications for athletes in order for them to choose something that will push their fitness and skill level further.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12:00 AMRAP

9 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

7/7 Single Arm DB to Overhead 50/35lb

5/3 Ring Muscle-Ups

Score : Rounds + Reps
Extra Instructions

The focus today is on a challenging triplet that will create some interference between movements as we are moving from some quick box jump overs that will get the heart rate elevated before working our way into a Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (Push Press or Push Jerk), then making our way up on the rings for a set of 5 (male) / 3 (female) Ring Muscle-Ups. The goal is to maintain unbroken sets on the Ring Muscle-Ups and manage fatigue in the other movements to allow for this to happen.

Primary Objective : Ring Muscle-Ups

Secondary Objective : Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead

Stimulus : Muscular Stamina / Interference


Box Step-Ups

Single Arm Strict Press

Ring Rows + Push-Ups


Load: 35/25lb

Strict Pull Ups + Strict Ring Dips


As Written


Box: 30/24”

Load: 70/50lb

5/3 Ring Complex*

*Ring Complex = Toe to Ring + Ring Muscle-Up + Ring Dip


1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch

1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch

1:00 Seated Chest Stretch

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

Optional Accessories

3 Sets, For Quality:

20 Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls, Heavy

15 Ghd Weighted Hip Extensions , empty barbell

10 Ring Support Knee Raises

5 Weighted Pull Ups, wide grip

Athletes choice on loads

This is not for time, when you are working on each movement allow the priority to develop strength.

Rowing Conditioning

4 Sets:

650m @ 5k Pace

Rest 1:00 minutes

Rest 4:00 minutes

5 Sets:

450m @ 2k Pace

Rest 1:00 minute

Rest 4:00 minutes

6 Sets:

250m @ 1k Pace

Rest 1:00 minute

Primary Objective: Hit all prescribed paces

Secondary Objective: Finish each set with the final interval of each distance as fastest interval

Ideally we would like to see the average pace across each set to hit the target goal pace, while still descending moderately from the first interval to the last. This means that we will be targeting a descend by about .1-.2 sec /500m on each set. This would look like 1:43.8, 1:43.6, 1:43.4, etc. with the goal average across matching the prescribed paces.

Stimulus: 2k Row Development / V02 Max


Part A.

4 Sets:

1 Hang Muscle Clean

1 High Hang Clean

1 Hang Clean, below knee

1 Thruster

1 Split Jerk

5 Strict Press from behind the Neck

Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets

Starting with the barbell and then increasing each set, you can do as many jumps as you like.

Once you have completed Part A, please move on to Part B:

Part B.

Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete the following:

1 Hang Clean

Rest: 10-12 seconds

1 Clean and 2 Jerks

Set 1: 77%

Set 2-3: 82-85%

Set 4-5: 85%

Percentages are based on your 1rm Clean and Jerk.

The portion that we want you to place the most effort towards are the last 3-4 sets of the complex


7 Rounds, For Time:

11 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

9 Burpees Box Jump Overs 24/20”

7 Alt Dumbbell Snatches, 85/60lb (37.5/27.5kg)

Time Cap: 15 minutes

Goal Time: 12 minutes

Score: Time

You can perform the snatches either power or squat. If you aim to complete within the goal time frame the average time per round is 1:42.

Primary Objective: Complete within time cap

Secondary Objective: Dumbbell Snatches

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