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Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach


Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


2 Sets, For Quality

200m Run

:30/:30 Banded Front Rack Stretch

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Barbell Upright Rows

10 Bradford Press w/lockout


15:00 minute EMOM

min 1: *Push Press

min 2 : *Front Squat

min 3 : Rest

Loading is listed below

Push Press

Push Press Tempo

Front Rack : 1s Pause

Top of press : 1s Pause

Lower : 3s tempo

Set 1: 6 Reps @ 60%

Set 2: 6 Reps

Set 3: 6 Reps

Set 4: 6 Reps

Set 5: 6 Reps Heavy for the day

-Start at 60% of your 1RM Push Press

-Increase in load slightly each set.

-Build up to a heavy 6 reps for the day maintain the prescribed tempo.

-You must maintain this tempo for all 6 reps.

Front Squat

Pause Front Squat + Front Squat

3s Pause at bottom of 1st rep

Set 1: 1+3 @ 65%

Set 2: 1+3 @ 65%

Set 3: 1+2 @ 70%

Set 4: 1+2 @ 70%

Set 5: 1+1 @ 75%

Metcon (Time)

800m Run

40 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35lb, (22/16kg)

20 Thrusters 95/65lb, (43/30kg)

Goal Time : 7:00-11:00

Time Cap : 12:00 minutes

Primary Objective : Complete the workout in under 10:00 minutes

Secondary Objective : Challenge yourself with either going unbroken on the Alternating DB Snatch or the Thrusters

Stimulus : Glycolytic / Sprint Chipper

*Machine Subs Today:

1000m Row Erg

900m Ski Erg

2000m Bike Erg


600m Run

40 Alternating DB Hang Snatch 30/20lb, (14/9kg)

20 Thrusters 45/35lb, (20/15kg)


DB: 35/25lb, (16/12kg)

BB: 75/55lb, (34/25kg)


As Written


1000m Run

40 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50lb, (32/22kg)

20 Thrusters 135/95lb, (61/43kg)


1-2 Sets

Right Leg/Left Leg

:30 Down Dog

:15 Updog

:30 Down Dog

:3 0 Low Dragon Po se

:30 Twisted Drag on Pose

:30 Pigeon Pose

:30 Half Kneeling Hamstri ng Stretch

Optional Accessories

Part A)

5 Sets, For Load

50ft (15m) Front Rack Walking Lunges

Part B)


100 Banded Strict Press

*complete in sets of 10 or greater

rest as needed between sets

Part C)

5 Sets

5/5 Single Arm DB Upright Row @ 3030 Tempo

Rest as needed between sets



3:00 minutes On @ 1k+8/6

3:00 minutes Rest

2:00 minutes On @ 1k+6/4

2:00 minutes Rest

1:00 minutes On @ 1k+4/2

3:00 minutes Rest

3:00 minutes On @ 1k+6/4

3:00 minutes Rest

2:00 minutes On @ 1k+4/2

2:00 minutes Rest

1:00 minutes On @ 1k+2

3:00 minutes Rest

3:00 minutes On @ 1k+4

Pace: 1k+8/6, 1k+6/4, 1k+4/2, 1k+6/4, 1k+4/2, 1k+2, 1k+4

Remember, 1k+x, means the average split from your 1k on 4/4 plus X seconds. So if it’s +4 then it’s your 1k average split plus 4 seconds

Record: Total Meters

Today’s workout follows a rowing “wave” pattern. As the session progresses, you’ll find yourself gaining confidence and speed. It’s important to acknowledge that today’s challenge will require your full focus. These workouts are designed to prepare you for future tests, making them easier to tackle.

When you see a specific pace, such as 1k+4, assigned to a segment, the aim is to conclude that part of the workout precisely at the assigned pace. Even if you feel you can push the pace, it’s essential to hold to the prescribed pace. This approach is deliberate, and we encourage you to follow it to maximize the effectiveness of the workout.


Part A.

Squat Snatch

Every 3:00 minutes, 6 Sets

Set 1: 6 Reps @ 65%

Set 2: 6 Reps @ 65%

Set 3: 5 Reps @ 70%

Set 4: 5 Reps @ 70%

Set 5: 4 Reps @ 75%

Set 6: 4 Reps @ 75%

*These reps are not meant to be TnG (unbroken), reset between each rep, no more than 15 seconds between reps.

Once you complete Part A, please move onto Part B.

Part B.

Hang Snatch High Pulls

3 x 6 Reps @ 70% of your 1rm Squat Snatch

Extra Skill Conditioning

5 Rounds For Time:

6 Deadlifts 315/205 lb, (143/93 kg)

6 Burpees

5 Cleans 225/155 lb, (102/70 kg)

5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

4 Thrusters 155/115 lb, (70/48 kg)

4 Muscle-Ups

Goal: 14:00-17:00 minutes

Cap: 20:00 minutes

Today, we are hitting a classic Hero WOD back from 2013. This one is meant to have us fluctuate between having our heart rate spike with each barbell movement and then having us find our breath and bring the heart rate down during the gymnastics components. The goal today is to find a smooth rhythm in the first 2-3 rounds and pick up the pace on the final 2-3 rounds for an optimal result.

Primary Objective: Complete each round in under 3:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Negative split across all rounds

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Anaerobic

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