Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach
Call us: 850-614-0694 | CrossFit Miramar Beach



Don’t forget!! BRING A FRIEND WEEK is 11 September 2023!!! Please use the sign-up sheet located on the front desk to list all of your friends who are joining us. There is also a QR code you can use to have your friends complete the waiver prior to coming to class. Anyone who joins gets both you AND your friend a referral credit of 40% off one month membership!

Miramar Beach Strength and Conditioning – Crossfit


8:00 minutes for Quality

2 Sets, For Quality:

60 Second Machine of Choice (Easy pace)

10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell High Pulls , Light Load

10/10 Single Leg Dumbbell RDLs, Light Load

10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges

:30/30 Second Banded Front Rack Stretc

Weightlifting + Strength

Every 4:00 X 4 Sets

1 “Clean and Jerk Complex”

5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

“Clean and Jerk Complex”

Power Clean

1 Floating Squat Clean

2 Split Jerks


Extra Instructions / Points of Performance

Holding between 75-85% of your 1rm clean and jerk for the Complex

And start at around 70% of your 1RM weighted pull-up for the 5 reps

Goal: Complete the complex unbroken and aim to make each movement look and feel fast. Your attention should be on the split jerks, particularly that second rep. Brace your midline, engage your front rack position each time.

We will then go to the rig and perform 5 weighted strict pull-ups with a load that is somewhere around 70-80% of our 1RM weighted pull-up from the total we completed in Week 1 of the cycle.

Clean and Jerk

Weighted Pull-ups

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

25 Wall Balls 20/14lb

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

Time Cap : 15:00 minutes

Goal : 8:00-12:00 minutes

Primary Objective : Unbroken Wall Balls and complete the Bar Muscle-Ups in 2 sets or less

Secondary Objective : Finish the workout in 10:00 minutes or less

Stimulus : Muscular Endurance / Aerobic Power

Extra Instructions

The focus today is on pure output and moving quickly. The bar muscle-ups are meant to be the crux of the workout, while still leaning into the fact that the quads will get pumped and you will need to keep a strong pace on the Wall Balls and Bike.


25 Wall Balls 14/10lb

20 Ring Rows

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike


25 Wall Balls 20/14lb

20 Kipping Pull-Ups

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike


As Written


21 Wall Balls 30/20lb

15/10 Calorie Echo Bike

9 Bar Muscle-Ups

*Optional Chipper for extra work after workout


Recovery / Mobility Protocol

1:00 minute Seated Chest Stretch

2:00 minute Saddle Pose

1:00 minute Seated Forward Fold

1:00 / 1:00 minute Couch Stretch

Optional Accessories

Part A)

3 Sets, For Quality:

10 Second Top of Pull-up Hold

Straight into

20 Second Active Hang Hold

Rest as needed between sets

Level 3: As prescribed

Level 2/1: With Green or Red band

Part B)

3 Sets, For Quality

8-10 Reverse Nordic Curls

10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell GHD Preacher Curls


Front Squat

5 x 5 @ 65%


On each rep, we’re looking for a 3 second lower & 1 second pause

Rest 3:00 minutes between sets

Percentage is based on your 1rm Front Squat


Rest 3:00 minutes after the Main WOD then complete

For Time

63 Wall Balls 30/20lb

45/30 Calorie Echo Bike

27 Bar Muscle-Ups

Bike Erg Conditioning


5:00 minutes Easy Spin, conversational or RPE 5/10


8:00-6:00-4:00-6:00-8:00 minutes @ 94-97% FTP

2:00 minutes between each set at 50-60% FTP


5:00 minutes Easy Spin

Primary Objective: Holding 94-97% FTP

Secondary Objective: Holding the higher range of the recovery portion wattage.

What is an FTP:

FTP: It is a measure of the maximum power output a cyclist can sustain for an extended period of time, typically around one hour but in this case 20km. FTP is an essential metric used to gauge an individual’s fitness and performance level in cycling. It is often used as a reference point for determining training zones and designing training programs.

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